1. Sklaveniti, C. (2020) Moments that connect: Turning points and the becoming of leadership. Human Relations, 73, 544-571 | Link
2. Sklaveniti, C. & Steyaert, C. (2020) Reflecting with Bourdieu: Towards a reflexive outlook for practice-based studies of entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 32, 313-333 | Link
3. Sklaveniti, C. (2017). Processes of entrepreneurial leadership: Co-acting creativity and direction in the emergence of new SME ventures. International Small Business Journal, 35, 197-213 | Link
4. Sklaveniti, C. (2018). Theorizing virtual teams: relationality in dispersed collaboration. In D. Kolbæk (Ed.), Online Collaboration and Communication in Contemporary Organizations. Hershey, Pennsylvania: IGI Global, 1-20 | Link
5. Sklaveniti, C., & Tzoumpa, V. (2018). Weaving together entrepreneurial leadership in social enterprises: a collective achievement towards social purpose. In R. T. Harrison & C. M. Leitch (Eds.), Research Handbook on Entrepreneurship and Leadership. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 237-261 | Link
6. Sklaveniti, C. (2017). Relational leadership theory. In C. L. Jurkiewicz (Ed.), Global Encyclopaedia of Public Administration and Public Policy. New York: Springer, 47-55 | Link
7. Sklaveniti, C. (2018). Book review Digital sociology: The reinvention of social research. Sociological Research Online, 23, 547-550 | Link
8. Sklaveniti, C. (2014). Book review Studying leadership: Traditional and critical approaches Schedlitzki, D. and Gareth, E. Leadership and the Humanities, 2, 134-136 | Link
9. Sklaveniti, C. (2014). Book review Law and leadership: Integrating leadership studies into the law school curriculum Monopoli P and McCarty S (eds). Leadership, 10, 380-383 | Link